Tuesday, September 20, 2016

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Friday, August 26, 2016

Board Meeting

On Thursday 25th August we met with the new Board of Trustees to share our project. It was well recieved and they look forward to hearing more. 

School wide Inquiry

It was great to have Mr Holman in the class today hearing the students ideas on their Inquiry projects. Thanks for visiting! Over the remainder of the term all of the project teams teachers will visit. 

Monday, June 20, 2016

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Next Family/Whanau Hui

Our next Family/Whanau Hui will be hosted on Tuesday 21st June starting at 6:30pm in the school library.

Staff PD day

Today we had our 2nd Staff PD session for the year. The presentation and notes for the session are available from the meeting notes and presentation page. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Interviewing Students

This week the project team are conferencing with the project group to gather student voice based on this terms learning.  The evidence is being gathered on video diary for use by the project team moving in to Term 2.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Today the lead team followed the students around their classes to make observations and gather valuable evidence about their learning and behaviours in classes. From here one on one conversations will be had with the students about their learning to date and plans made moving forward. 

Here the lead team are discussing the days observations and paterns/trends. 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Tonight's family/Whanau Hui

Tonight was the first of our family/Whanau Huis for the year. Here are our students sharing their blogs with their family. Family members had the chance to comment on the students blogs and learn about the types of things they might see on there. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Today's Staff PD sessions

What a fantastic day we had today! We had 5 one hour sessions today with a new group of teachers during each session. 

All our project staff created their own pearltrees account where they uploaded the blog addresses for the students they teach and made comments on each one of them. 

Teachers came away having generated some real ideas about how to engage students using technology and ways to promote thinking about tools that might be used to enhance the classroom learning. 

Staff also went away considering their own online presence and continue their upskilling as part of this journey. 

Staff PD Day

Excited about the Staff PD day tomorrow with the 35 staff involved in this project 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Next Hui

Dear Whanau, family or community member.

As we begin Week Six of the term we would like to extend a warm invitation for you to join us at our next project hui.  It is time for us to share and involve you in the teaching and learning that the students have been a part of.

Our term has been a very busy one so far with the students involved in the Ministry of Education project for five weeks.  In her LTI option class she has been

      working on bringing together the learning she has been doing in all her classes
      learning how to use new literacy skills
      learning how to use technology to enhance her learning and
      creating a blog which reflects her learning.

We are holding the hui/meeting in the school library on Monday the 14th of March beginning at 6pm.  As with the previous meeting, we will be providing drinks and nibbles.

Following our meeting, the school is also able to offer you the chance to attend the Attitude workshop: Tackling Technology: Growing up in a Digital Age from 7-8pm (more information is attached to this letter).

The meeting details again are as follows -
Tauranga Girls’ College library - access off Cameron Rd
Monday 14th March 2016
Nibbles provided

Thursday, February 25, 2016

What we find hard about our learning

Today our students went back to basics and used some good old butcher paper to brainstorm what they find hard in their core subjects and solutions or things that could help them. This student voice will form discussions with their teachers

What we find hard about our learning

Today our students went back to basics and used some good old butcher paper to brainstorm what they find hard in their core subjects and solutions or things that could help them. This student voice will form discussions with their teachers

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Student Blogs

Student blogs are collated at the following link: http://www.pearltrees.com/carolinegill

Feedback from Students after setting up their blogs

Today we asked the students for some feedback on how the class is going for them so far. Here are a few responses:

I'm excited about learning new things.

I have had a lot of fun making the blogs and learning how to use more stuff on the laptop

I like this class because its a lot of fun and making blogs

This class is pretty kickback.😎😎😎 Can't wait for more  interesting things.😍😍

Mark Osborne's presentation

The whole enjoyed a PD session facilitated by Mark Osborne on Monday afternoon. His presentation reflected clearly on the purpose and research behind e-portfolios and gave us some useful tools to take away. His presentation can be viewed at this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1T2jViuJjClRFs6OQs3yODXg8mojJvnznI_E3zG7B0pOirPnvdXbMZH6PTN0WU6sShJBws258fbRCy7Ra

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Setting Up Blogs

Today the students started setting up their blogs.  EXCITING!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

First 10 LIT Class

Today we were very excited to see our student project group for their first option class.  They were very excited to learn their teacher for this class would be Miss Mankelow and that there would also be support given to them in this class for Literacy.  Great to see all the girls back and excited about getting started on this journey.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Teacher meeting

What a wonderful start to the year meeting with our group of 40 teachers who will be part of this journey with us. What a great bunch of teachers we have!